
Ширак Микаелян, Директор – Основатель гостинично-туристического центра VAYK.

Гостинично-туристический центр Вайк был основан в 2010 году. Мало кто верил в успех этой инициативы, считая Вайк непривлекательным местом для туристов. Однако, анализируя наши сильные и слабые стороны, мы отметили, что Вайк является географическим центром как на карте региона, так и на трассе Ереван-Арцах, город является чистым, аккуратным и уютным населенным пунктом, расположенным вдоль реки Арпа, между горами Варденяц и Вайоц.

Shirak Miqayelyan – VAYK Hotel and Tourism Center

As for the tourist attraction, it is a very conventional concept and it depends on how you feel and how you present those sightseeings. That’s why our hotel also took the mission of the Information Center from the very beginning. The “Tourist Center” signboard guides tourists to our hotel where they receive information about attractions and tourist opportunities in the Vayots Dzor region, as well as get answers to other questions, such as about roads, transportation, the distance between settlements, nearest shops, banks, medical facilities. In addition, in our hotel, they will be offered a cup of tea or coffee and will have the opportunity to charge their devices.

Victoria Gasparyan – Personnel Manager | Corinthia Hotel St Petersburg

The advantage of the Armenian market is the natural hospitality and tremendous potential – the cuisine, nature, the history that surely will soon make us one of the most popular travel destinations. The working day passes in one moment. In addition that I am responsible for staff recruitment (running the process of recruitment for at least 20 vacancies), we also deal with a variety of tasks/requests/ inquiries related to the employees, state institutions and so on with our HR team during the day.

Карине Назарян – Профессионал гостеприимства

Работа в отеле не означает, что интернационализм внутри заведения ограничивается вашими клиентами; люди, стоящие за стойкой регистрации, на кухне и в офисах, приезжают со всех уголков мира и приносят с собой свой собственный язык, культурные особенности и идеи о том, как эффективно работать в отрасли. За свои 10 лет практики я имела честь работать с коллегами из Италии, России, Африки, Франции, Англии, Америки, Аргентины, Бразилии. Все эти люди научили меня, как увеличить мои рабочие возможности, основываясь на своем личном опыте в своих странах; что, в конце концов, обогатило не только мои практические навыки, но и знания о других странах.
Ключевым фактором в этом “описании работы” является способность общаться и работать с разными людьми из разных слоев общества – как одна большая команда.

Karine Nazaryan – Hospitality Professional

Also, probably the most important matter is that you – literally – take care of people. This is debatable, but my experience tells me it takes empathy and commitment to put another person’s needs and desires ahead of your own – while keeping a smile on your face.
Customers come to hotels for various reasons, but in short, they want an experience. They want hotel employees and representatives to accord their time, care and attention. And just as people differ greatly, so does the care and commitment each hotelier exhibits to his/her clients. Some may settle for meeting the basics, such as checking-in a family or serving beverages at the hotel’s bar, but others will take an extra step and not just meet their client’s demands, but also exceed them.

Анастасия Романова Expedia Group – Специалист по рынку: Грузия, Армения, Украина

Expedia Group – это не просто OTA, это, действительно, travel-platform, с помощью которой путешественник может полностью сформировать свою поездку: от покупки авиабилета и бронирования отеля до аренды автомобиля и приобретения круиза, билетов на концерт или экскурсионного тура. Для корпоративного сегмента существует ресурс Egencia, который тоже не ограничивается только предложением средств размещения.

Anastasiya Romanova Expedia Group – Market Associate Georgia, Armenia, Ukraine

Expedia Group is not just an OTA, it is indeed a travel-platform, with the help of which the traveler can completely form his/her trip: starting from buying a ticket and booking a hotel to renting a car and buying a cruise, tickets to a concert or sightseeing tour. For the corporate segment, there is a resource Egencia that is also not limited to the offer of new properties.

The Alexander, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Yerevan – Hayk Sahakyan

Each hotel aims to be considered as the best one, it is the obvious desire. The luxury segment is the new-born definition in Armenia in general and in the hospitality industry in particular. As the first and only international luxury hotel in the country, we represent standards, approach, and vision that the luxury hotels are to have. In my opinion, luxury is the best, limited, sophisticated and meaningful attitude to the regular services and goods, similar to the reason to separate classical music from the rest.

Hotelier Magazine – 2nd issue presentation (11.07.2019)

The Hotelier LLC presented the second issue of its “Hotelier Magazine” which is devoted to covering the ever-growing hospitality industry in Armenia and not only. The event took place at Armenia Marriott Hotel and it brought together over 130 hotel industry executives, representatives of adjacent spheres both governmental and private.

Hotelier Magazine (English)

HOTELIER Magazine is published in Armenia in January 2019. It represents the hotel and hospitality industry and executives.
HOTELIER Magazine 2nd issue is released in June 2019.